23 November

Bible in 365 Days                                           

Acts 27-28


Acts 27

The study of Paul's last voyage reveals some apparently contradictory facts, and yet common in the experience of the saints. On the one hand, difficulties and dangers multiplied. On the other, the divine purpose was being carried out. It would seem as though all forces were combined in an effort to prevent his coming to Rome. On the other hand, we see how all the way he was conducted, cared for, comforted. From first to last no note of complaint was uttered by this servant of the Master.

We have a graphic description of the storm, in the course of which strictly nautical expressions are used which are arresting. So fierce it was that Luke writes, "All hope that we should be saved was now taken away." It was at this juncture that Paul addressed the people, and his message is a splendid evidence of his confidence in his Master. His, "Be of good cheer," was a word of faith, but it was also the language of reason, for had he not heard his Lord assuring him that he must come to Rome.

Under the stress of the occasion, the human management came at last completely into the hands of Paul, and he took wise precautions to prevent the sailors from leaving the ship. At last all were saved. In this story we surely have a valuable picture of the divine method: God overruling, while man trusts Him and acts. A firm confidence produces a strong courage, and true faith manifests itself in reasonable action.


Acts 28

On land new perils threatened. While gathering sticks for a fire, a viper fastened on the Apostle's hand. Shaking it off, he was unharmed. This convinced those who watched that he was divine, and they sought to worship him. Necessarily, Paul refused such homage. Three months Paul and his companions sojourned there, during which time they received kindness from the inhabitants, and Paul wrought healing, beginning in the house of the governor.

After this long and tedious journey was accomplished, interest naturally centers in the actual arrival at Rome. It may be interesting here to group some statements which cover the movement. "I must also see Rome" (Acts 19: 21) ; "So must thou bear witness also at Rome" (Acts 22: 11) ; 'Unto Caesar shalt thou go" (Acts 25: 12) ; "So we came to Rome" (Acts 28: 14).

Met by some of the brethren outside Rome, Paul thanked God and took courage. Then presently he was actually in Rome, and his great opportunity had come. The Apostle seems to have had no consciousness of being a prisoner, or, at any rate, he knew that he was "a prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ." When Paul reached Rome a great day dawned for the Gentile world. It is arresting to see Paul's loyalty to his brethren after the flesh. Unable to visit the synagogue because of his chains, he called together the elders, and spoke to them of their Messiah, declaring that his chain was worn for "the hope of Israel."

The ending of the Book of Acts is characterized by a lack of finish. Nevertheless, it is illuminative. The Apostle dwelt in his own hired house, thus suggesting the Church's independence of all the patronage of the nations of the earth. The burden of his preaching was the Kingdom of God. The closing words are historic and prophetic, "none forbidding him." They tell the wonder of how the overruling Lord made a prisoner in the imperial city for two years an apostle of the King and city yet to be manifested.