

Tombstone Cowboy Church - Tombstone, AZ

Yes...THAT Tombstone...just a few blocks down from the O.K. Corral. Pastor David Bales is a mighty man of God who preaches soul-stirring, inspired, anointed sermons...but does so in a down-to earth way that even a child can understand.

(Don't be surprised to see bikers, gunslingers, cowboys, international tourists and just common folks rubbing elbows with one another as they all join together praising and worshipping Jesus!)






Mountain View Pentecostal Church - Atoka, OK

Brother Russell Miller is the pastor of a small church that is so filled with the Holy Spirit that it is bursting at the seams! Strong, uncompromised preaching of the Word of God and some of the finest, Christ-centered people you will ever meet!


Blessed Rock Free Will Baptist Church - Wewoka, OK

Brother Cary Robinson will bless you with his combination of great music and preaching! A ministry that is not afraid to boldy proclaim the message of salvation to the world!