The Least of My Brethren
'... Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me' ". (Matthew 25:40) ![](
Many years ago, I met a pastor in Korea who operated an orphanage for Amerasian children who had been abandoned by their fathers (American soldiers who had impregnated Korean women, then returned to the United States at the end of their tours of duty, leaving the mothers to raise a biracial child in a society that considered such children a "dishonor" to both the mother's family and to the Korean nation). This pastor was well-known for his love of the Amerasian children whom he had under his care, and never missed an opportunity to share several very curious (and precious) episodes of his life with the children.
One such story occurred as the pastor was sitting down to dinner with some children.
A young boy made the usual prayer: "Come Lord, we invite You to our table and ask that You bless what You have given us".
After the prayer, a little boy of three or four years old said:
"Pastor, why does the Lord Jesus never come? We ask Him every day to come eat with us and He never comes."
"Son," said the pastor, "you can always be sure that He will come here. He never rejects our invitation."
"Well" said the little boy, "when He comes, I want Him to sit in my chair."
He had not finished saying these words when someone knocked on the door. He was a poor Amerasian boy, who did not have a place to spend the night - in fact, he had no home.
The pastor bade him to enter and welcomed him; the little one gave him his chair and all the children argued over which child would give him their plate of food. One child tearfully lamented that his bed was too small for him to offer to the stranger, who was moved to tears when he saw so much love and attention directed toward him.
Then the little one said to the pastor:
"Pastor, I think that the Lord Jesus could not come because He was very busy, but He has sent us this poor boy, right?"
"Yes, son," said the pastor. "Every piece of bread, every glass of water that we give to the poor, sick or prisoners in the name of Jesus, it is unto Him whom we give it, for He said: '... Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me' ". (Matthew 25:40)
We always have the opportunity to help someone. There are many people in need, but sometimes our heart hardens and we forget that on many occasions God gives us an opportunity to help others, to show His love in a practical way and to share with us His work.
When someone knocks on your door, or approaches you on the street to ask you to help them, do not deny them a glass of water, food, etc. Remember that everything we do, even the smallest of gestures, we do for Jesus.
Do not judge people by their appearance or situation, for only God knows how they got there. Rather extend them a hand of compassion, and show them the love of Jesus, because they are His children, and they are loved by Him. Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross to save them too, and they are equally precious in His sight, just like you or me. When He sees them suffer or cry, you can know that His heart breaks and He weeps for them just as He weeps for you and me.
Brothers and sisters, I beg you in the name of Jesus: the next time when you see someone who has nothing - money, food, home, nothing - please ask them "Is there anything in your life that I can pray for with you? It would be an honor and a privilege to pray with you for your needs. We serve a God of love Who loves you very much, and Who is calling unto you to return to Him".
Maybe they will say "Yes" or maybe they will reject you. But even if they say "No" today, the seed of Christ's love that you have planted in their heart will one day blossom with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and another precious son of Jesus Christ will again be in the presence of His Heavenly Father...simply because you took the time to share a word of kindness and love with a child of God during their hour of greatest need!
May God Bless You All!
- Glenn Hunt
Pastor, Church of New Life in Christ