28 December

Bible In 365 Days                        

Revelation 9-12


Revelation 9

At the sounding of the fifth trumpet the procedure of judgment takes a new form, passing from the material to the spiritual. The loosing of Satan is suggestive of the manifestation of satanic agency under the permission of God. Demons come forth, a terrible army, and scatter among the sons of men. It is noticeable that their power and time are limited by the government of God. The most terrible aspect of this visitation is that stricken men seek for death and are not able to find it.

The sounding of the sixth trumpet introduces a period of judgment in more terrible forms. Immense hosts of hitherto restrained powers of darkness sweep over the earth. The worship of demons is clearly mentioned in this connection as one of the manifestations of evil. The unholy traffic with the spirit world will issue in the devastation of men by these very spiritual agencies.

The closing declaration here is indeed terrible. Notwithstanding the awful dispensation of death, men unsmitten will not repent, but will continue in the same demon worship, with its consequent sins of murder, sorcery, and fornication.


Revelation 10

Still under the period of the sixth trumpet, an interlude follows, chronicling events preparing for the sounding of the seventh and last trumpet. An angel comes to make a most important announcement, namely, that there shall be no more delay, that at the sounding of the seventh trumpet by the seventh angel the mystery of God will be finished.

The seer was now commanded to take the book and to eat it. This figure of eating the book is familiar, and suggests the feeding of the soul on the Word of God. It is to that that the seer was called anew. Such feeding brings men into fellowship with Christ and God. There is a fellowship in joy, and the book is sweet; in sorrow also, for there is bitterness; and yet again in service, for those so eating must prophesy. This threefold experience comes to all who study the unfolding of divine purpose and process. The joy of the assurance of the divine government is ever accompanied by the signs of sorrow over the ruined and unrepentant and unbelieving. This twofold consciousness had its central manifestation in history when Jesus wept over Jerusalem and pronounced doom on it. Thus, as the revelation of the final judgments are about to be given, the man admitted to the secret of the Lord is called on to share in the joy and sorrow and service.


Revelation 11

John is called on to measure the temple. In such measurements the court of the Gentiles is not to be recognized. It shows God dealing with the world through His chosen people.

The account of the two witnesses must be taken in connection with the recognition of the temple. Their work will be to tell the will of God to an age in rebellion against Him. No malice is able to accomplish the destruction of these witnesses until their work is ended. When that is done they are slain, and there is the appalling sound of an apostate race rejoicing in the silencing of the voices of truth. The triumph of evil is terrible, but it is short- lived. Ultimately, the witnesses are raised from the dead and taken into the heavenly places. Through them God sets the supernatural ministry of truth over against the supernatural influences of demon power and worship. When at last evil seems to triumph, it secures its own defeat.

At last, the seventh angel sounds and ushers in the final movements before the complete victory of the King. Voices in heaven declare that the rule of the world has been taken over by God and His Christ. The occasion gives cause for profoundest thankfulness, and the elders in the presence of the Supreme Royalty fall on their faces and worship. In their praise impending events are set forth, to be more fully described later.


Revelation 12

In this and two subsequent chapters we have an interpolation in the account of the actual procedure. Two signs are described, a woman and a dragon, between whom is antagonism. Symbolically, it covers the story of the ages. The ultimate conflict between the dragon and the woman and the final defeat of the dragon will be shown presently. A description is given of a conflict between principalities and powers, fallen and unfallen. Perfect victory is gained through the blood of the Lamb and His word of testimony.

The heavens rejoice, and all inhabiting them at the exclusion of the foe. He is cast down to the earth, and there is a manifestation of his malice and power on the earth level for the short time remaining to him. This power, however, will be definitely restricted. In this whole description there is a vivid unveiling of the nature and malice of the devil contending in the heavens to the last in terrible mental conflict with all the hosts of light; then, when finally cast out from the heavenly places, turning with renewed fury and force on those who have been associated with Christ. Amid these terrible scenes we are never allowed to lose sight of the might and majesty of God, who checks all the underworld of evil.