The Last Days: Order of Tribulation Events Leading Up to the Second Coming of Christ
The book of Daniel, along with the book of Revelation, have much to say concerning end time events of the Tribulation. The famous prophecy of the Seventy-sevens in Daniel is instrumental in providing a starting point for this period (Daniel 9: 24-27). In fact, the seventieth seven of this prophecy becomes synonymous with the seven-year period recorded in Revelation, chapters 6-19. Although Bible students might differ according to the chronology of events in the Tribulation, all agree to these events definitely happening.
In my studies of the Scriptures, I am comfortable with the following order of events:
1. The signing of the seven-year covenant with Israel by a world leader, the Anti-christ, which begins the seventieth seven of Daniel's prophecy (Daniel 9: 27). With the world still divided in power, this political leader, the Anti-christ, will have enough political power to guarantee Israel's protection from its enemies, whoever they may be at that time.
2. Apart from this agreement with Israel, the Anti-christ will come in the pretext of bringing peace, but his real intention is to conquer the world and be worshiped by man (Revelation 6:1-2; 13: 4-7). He is described as coming on a white horse (Revelation 6: 1-2) indicating the deception that will define his real intentions.
3. Worldwide war, famines and earthquakes will characterize events of the first half (3 ½ years) of the Tribulation leading up to the rise of the Anti-christ (Matthew 24: 7-8; Revelation 6: 4-6). A fourth of mankind will die from war, pestilence and famine during this period (Revelation 6: 7-8). Although we see these events happening in all generations, they will be magnified and elevated during the first half of this period.
4. A false worship system will also be in effect during this time having a strong religious influence upon the world (Revelation 17:1-2) and closely aligned with the rising power of the Anti-christ and his forces (Revelation 17: 3-6). A false theocracy (religion and the government united) will be operating at this time.
5. The Anti-christ will rise to absolute power at the mid-point of this period no longer needing the false religious system or alliances with other nations to accomplish his purpose. (Daniel 7: 7-8, 24-25; Revelation 13). With no other powerful nation standing in his way he will break his covenant with Israel exposing his real intentions toward them.
6. He will destroy the false religious system (Revelation 17: 16), directing the people to worship only him (Revelation 13: 8), and will attempt to annihilate Israel (Revelation 12:13, 17) as well as the faithful saints of the Tribulation (Daniel 7: 25; Revelation 13:7).
7. God will send forth the Trumpet (Revelation 8: 1-9:21) and Bowl Judgments (Revelation 16) of the second half of the Tribulation in punishment of man's rebellion towards Him.
8. Through demonic influence, the kings of the whole world will gather in Armageddon for the final conflict between the forces of the Anti-christ and the Messiah (Rev. 16:13-16). At that time, God will be purifying the nation Israel through judgment by destroying the sinners among His covenant people (Amos 9:10, Zechariah14:8-9).
9. The Second Coming of Christ (Revelation 19: 11-16), and the holy angels (2 Thessalonians 1:7) will bring an end to Satan's diabolical plan, destroying the Anti-christ and his forces (Revelation 19:19-21). At that time, Christ will send out His holy angels to gather His elect into the Millennial Kingdom (Matthew 24:31).
10. The 1st resurrection, the resurrection of the righteous will take place with the coming of Christ (John 5:25-29, Revelation 20: 4; 1 Corinthians 15: 50-58; 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18).
11. There will be a judgment of the Gentile nations at that time (Matthew 25: 31-46), a judgment on how they related to the Jews during the second half of the Tribulation. The righteous ones will enter into the Millennial Kingdom, the unrighteous will be taken away in judgment.
12. With the first resurrection complete, the stage is set for the Millennial Reign of the Messiah (Revelation 20: 6), fulfilling the many prophecies of the Old Testament.
The greatest event of prophecy is the Second Coming of Christ! A glorious event that includes all of us who have honored the Son with our lives.
May we all remember that everything pales in comparison to this glorious event; don't sweat the small stuff! When it is all said and done, we will be standing with Christ in victory - reigning with Him for all eternity!
May God bless you all,
Pastor Glenn Hunt